steinbch;563108 Wrote: 
> I recently added a Touch to my arsenal of home theater gear.  I'm trying
> to set it up for the best possible sound, but not sure what the correct
> settings should be.  Can anyone please help me out with these two
> questions?
> 1 - Should I use the analog or digital outputs of the Touch?
> 2 - What setting should the Onkyo be set at?  The two listening modes
> I'm debating between are Pure and Stereo.
> Thanks for your input!

1 and 2. Does this Onkyo have a true analog pass-through ?? in any of
these modes ??

if not = always use digital with 100% volume, do all processing in the

Without analog pass-through you will first use the Touch's DA converter
to produce the analog signal, put that trough an AD at the Onkyos input
and finally DA again inside the reciever, this leads to obvius
So for the majority of HT products use the digital output on a

Note that even if you have analogpass-through, invoking any processing
like using the subwofer or any DSP mode would make the signal do the
AD-DA route anyway


Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 and assorted amps
SiriuS, Classe' Primare and Dynadio speakers, Contour 4 Contour Center,
and Contour 1.3SE for the rear ch. Rel Stadium 3 sub.
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: SB3 + powered Fostex PM0.4
Miscellaneous use: Radio (with battery)
I use a Controller various ir-remotes and a Eee-PC with squeezeplay to
control this
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