westom;567025 Wrote: 
> Which is why those who learned how to think also saw the Challenger
> explosion as murder.  If you did not, then you are probably curing
> symptoms rather the solving problems.  If not, then you probably so
> hated America as to advocate the murder of 4000 American soldiers for
> the greater glory of a political agenda - in Iraq.  The informed know
> and also know why they know using numbers.
> One either learns how to see and solve problems using principals
> taught in junior high science - ie the hypothesis and the experimental
> confirmation in numbers.   Or one is easily scammed by a UPS that only
> solves a symptom.   If an informed consumer, then no blackouts cause
> hardware damage or harm the Linux configuration.  None.  Those who are
> most easily deceived spend massively more for defective hardware.  The
> spend more for a UPS to fix that defective hardware.
> No blackout harms a Vortexbox.  If damage occurs, the informed
> consumer goes after the person who scammed him.
> Yes, the key word is 'should'.  Because informed consumers 'should'
> learn where the problem exists. Those who blindly believe what they are
> told will blame anyone but themselves.    The attitude - be intelligent
> - is strongly expressed in this post. You do not inherit intelligence. 
> You learn it. If you do not ask damning questions, your are scammed by
> political extemsists and retail salesmen with only a high school
> education.  If you do not ask damning questions, then you did not learn
> how to be an informed consumer.
> Unfortunately, a majority will blame symptoms.  No blackout does
> damage to hardware sold by and purchased by informed consumers.   A
> fact. And stated by someone whos job was to design and meet that
> requirement.   Blackouts cause damage to hardware sold by scammer to
> those who want to be scammed.  A first indication of that scam - post
> and produt specs that have no numbers.
> If a Vortexbox does not have unsaved data, then a blackout causes no
> damage.  It does not need a UPS.  Orderly power off is required in the
> design of minimally sufficient hardware.

Bwa? Anataka kula kuma.


real stereo makes the lights dim on the bass notes. (this means your amp
could also use it's own circuit.)
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