I just got a LG Optimus S and installed SqueezeCommander, it works very
well except for one issue - I can't use the volume slider. Its almost
impossible to "hit" the button (or whatever you call it). Most of the
time I wind up changing to a new page or turning the bar off. It seems
like the "hot spot" is way too small. 

I Know I can use the volume buttons, which work well, but when using
the hard buttons you don't get a volume number indication on the
screen. For some reason I really miss that. 

Well one other "it would be nice to have", I have very little artwork
in my collection, it would be nice to turn off the display of the CD
icon and use the screen real estate for larger fonts, more info etc.
Particularly when in landscape mode there is plenty of room for larger

I tried changing the cover art setting - show on now playing to never,
but its still there. Is there some sort of "apply" button I have to use
to get the settings to take affect?

John S.

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