iOS 4.3 is no problem, running it myself without problems.

SqueezeServer beta 7.6 or beta 7.5 right now need (easy) workarounds to
work together with SqueezePad. As you can read some posts above you need
to enable debug-logging on the channel network.cometd.

In the meantime I also found out about the reason.
The latest beta versions started to compress the data that is going
over the network. SqueezePad right now does not decompress the data and
thus does not 'understand' the server anymore.
Turning on the debug log forces the server to send uncompressed data
(because while debugging no one wants to read compressed data in the
logs) - so for SqueezePad it is the same as if it was talking to a
7.5.3 server.

I have a working fix already and plan to submit a new version today or
tomorrow to Apple. Then it will take 5-10 days until it is reviewed.

Summary: everything works fine right now on iOS3.4 and with
SqueezeboxServer 7.6 if you either turn on the mentioned debug-log or
wait until SqueezePad 1.7.3 has been released.


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+ iPad = SqueezePad ' (* - -now featuring streaming
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Setup: 1x SB-Controller+Receiver (Duet), 1xSB-Boom. 2xSB-Radio
Server (7.5.x) running on SheevaPlug (Ubuntu) with attached Western
Digital MyBook Essential.
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