sebp;629898 Wrote: 
> But it's possible to get a preview of all home screens when using the
> Gingerbread launcher.
Well, I need a way to quickly get screen shots of multiple home
screens. nvm.

sebp;629898 Wrote: 
> Possible it had when I noticed the problem.
> To get rid of the respawning process, I have uninstalled Squidget.
> Then I installed it again, added a widget and removed it a bit later:
> the Squidget process was still there after removal, but I could kill it
> normally this time.

Regarding crashes, I just integrated a crash reporting framework. You
will be able to report those and I'll be able to avoid them :).
Regarding the Squidget service process still there - there is nothing I
can do about it. It's an Android documented behavior in which when you
signal the system to stop a service, it marks the service as
unnecessary, and keeps it until it needs the resources this service
claimed again or until an unknown period of time. I can not force the
OS to kill it (at least with the permission set I request for Squidget
- which I try to keep minimal).
I will look into implementing Squidget service differently so that it
will use a non persistent service in the near future. Like you, I don't
like to see a running service in the application menu.



Squidget - Android SqueezeBox Widget
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