HalNineThousand;630472 Wrote: 
> Okay -- got the controller working.  And thanks for the info on
> stream.mp3 being a bad audio source.  Yeah, as you noticed in the other
> thread, I'm having serious problems with it.  When I use the same URL
> through VLC, that works fine, but it won't work with a browser.
> But I'm running into one problem with your program, so I'm going to
> dump that in your lap -- sorry!
> Okay, I'll ask it here, but feel free to point me to your support
> forum.
> I'm using SqueezePlayer and SqueezeCommander.  I finally see I have
> access, through my firewall, for controlling SBS.  But at the same
> time, on SqueezePlayer, with the same DynDNS domain and port, on
> SqueezePlayer, with Playback set to ON, I have this:
> Server: (myserver.dyndns.org:9000)
> Connection: 3G connecting...
> Playback: Stopped
> SBS does not see any connection, since no matter how I access SBS (web
> with a browser or SqueezeCommander), there is no sign of SqueezePlayer
> and it seems SqueezePlayer and SBS simply are not talking to each
> other.  Should I be using a port other than 9000?
> (Oh, I should add that for testing I'm not using authentication -- I'll
> add that later (are the usernames and passwords sent encrypted from SP
> and SC on the Droid?).
> This is a simple thing like using another port or a config issue,
> right?

Indeed. You also need port 3483. have a look at the blob post I linked.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at penguinlovesmusic.com
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