
Yeah, I got my links confused - several open in different tabs, and I
was just about to post that including that port in the NAT and port
forwarding rules made a difference.

I now have SqueezeCommander and SqueezePlayer on my Droid. 
Squeezeplayer does see SBS and when I use the SBS web interface, I can
see a new player, "HTC Eris," on it.  However, when I first got that
and then started using SqueezeCommander, "HTC Eris" was there, but at
some point it disappeared and I can't get it back. SP says it is
connected, but the HTC Eris player simply does NOT show up in SC

When it was showing up, I could get it to group with my home
Squeezeboxes and play what they were playing, but I could not get it to
play something else.  (I'm mentioning that in case the symptom might
explain something - I'm hoping when the phone shows up again as a
player, it will behave.)

This is very frustrating, every time something seems to work, something
else goes wrong.  All the software is communicating, but the HTC Eris
player just doesn't show up on SC.

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