I am with Paul Raulerson, if only for his imaginative way of putting

I really want to hook up a asynchronous USB dac to a SB, which at this
moment is not really feasible. Soundcheck (with his Touch Toolbox) made
the USB port available for output, but the USB driver on the Touch is
too old (not class 2 audio capable). So I would really like to see
Logitech put an updated Touch on the market with an newer USB driver.
That's why this thread interests me.

However, we can make this work using Squeezeslave on e.g. a fanless
FitPC (which is smaller than a duet and with a SSD is completely
silent). The only hurdle is to make hi res work in Squeezeslave. Which
unfortunately is not an endeaver for the faint of heart as Ralphy
explained to me.

You may say: I am loosing the bigger picture here... but once we have
an (audiophile) alternative for the SB hardware, we are pretty much on
our own. Let people who just want streaming services use their iPads
and iPhones etc. They can stream whatever an App Store or Android
Market app has to offer directly to a DAC already today (have a look at
Arcam's rDAC with support for "Kleer"). Eventually the SB concept will
probably loose out to this type of solution for the mass market. 

But let the mass market be the mass market. I dont see any reason why
the SB server x client solution wouldnt be able to survive as a niche
open source initiative for a bunch of well-bred enthusiasts :-)

But as Erland says, there are no signs from Logitech that they are
about to abandon the SB yet. So why worry anyway?

thus my two cents

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