firedog;675148 Wrote: 
> Supposedly true, but not really. Vortexbox is "easy" if it installs
> without problem on your machine (often doesn't); but is anything but
> easy if you have somewhat non standard hardware or if you want to
> introduce some minor option it isn't setup for.(e.g. something basic
> like "install 2nd hard drive") Just go to the forum and
> check the solutions to problems that arise for users (And there are
> many). For virtually every one of them, the solution involves logging
> on with a command line program like Putty and writing/editing code.
> Example:
First, let's recall that the OP is talking about buying a Vortexbox
Appliance. That is _the_ standard hardware from the VB people. So the
"Linux-based appliance" description is apt and your non-standard
hardware argument is a red herring in this particular case. Second,
there is absolutely no code being edited or written in the post that
you link to. Yes, there are some commands being given at the command
line. That may scare some people, but there's no point in exaggerating
and calling it "writing/editing code".

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