I'll take an interest in any device, any plugin, any skin that can do
this: Select an artist/band and have their albums sorted

It seems such a simple feature, yet I can find it nowhere in the
Squeezebox universe (that I've tried) nor in many other media player
software for that matter. I guess I'm crazy for prefering chronological

I'm currently using the web interface and SqueezeCommander to control
my squeezeboxes. Both only give alphabetical sorting of an artist's
albums. Erland of plugin fame suggested it might be possible with
CustomBrowse and one of the CB WebUI skins, but CustomBrowse (which I
have) seems to be made of XML-nightmares and it's not something I think
I can manage to tinker with, so I'm looking for other options.

Kvaks's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=21610
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=92315

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