Erland, i understand you like to use and develope for new hardware.

I personaly liketo keep you thinking in something: not anyone have the
money and like to use and buy new hardware just to use as a remote.

A lot of users have old mobile phones and when they get a new their
question appear, is what they do with the old one.

My personal story was: I did lost my old phone once and at same time my
Car navigation system was stolen.
I got a HTC touch diamond but for this phone at this time did not exist
any squeeze remote. Locuth a C++ developer did not have any squeezebox
hardware and not any smartphone but he was loving programming just for

He did develope a remote just for fun without any possibility to test
it in real live. But it was amazing: his alpha remote was at this time
working and was one of the best i ever saw.
I did not have any squeezebox hardware at this time and i bought a used
Duet and without to see it, i did send it directly to Locuth that he did
have more ease to develope his slimcontrol for a beta release. And i
thought it is a good idea to send him also my new HTC Diamond for
optimize Slimcontrol in the next beta to my phone.
After 3 months i got my phone back and i did bought me in this time a
SB3 classic so i let Locuth the Duet for further developement.
Slimcontrol is still for me one of the best remote solutions because it
do not all but is absolute optimised for usability and to be fast.

Now the next point:

There exist a more than 10 years old mobile the Blue Angel and was
possible to get such a phone for just 20 Euros. It is allways sold
including a cradle and so is a optimal solution for a remote. And there
are plans to transfer this old hardware to FROYO.

There exist another HTC old Win Mobile phone with very good
instructions how to flash it with Android (HTC Kaiser):

I did bought a HTC Kaiser last week in Ebay for just 15 Euros and
flashed it to Android 3.2
Shure its not the fast one but for to use it as Squeezebox or XBMC or
VDR remote its a very good and fast enough solution.
Just investment of 15 Euros for a good remote and so i have now in each
room such remote.

New Windows mobille you can not use C++ for developement as far i
My idea in yours posting is now somehow to contact locuth or if you
like the idea drop me a private message and i contact you with Locuth.

What i did found allways in yours plugins, that they need a lot of
hardware resources and because i use low powered hardware for NAS or PC
they are good but its not a good idea to run your Plugins for such a

Maybee you can do a very best remote with training to programm for low
powered hardware. ITS NOT A ATTACK against you, please do not
understand me wrong. I am not a programmer, but i see only all the
programming you do needs powered hardware. Maybee this can be improved
if you are pressed to do something for old hardware with another style
of programming with same results. HTC desire is again something with
high power hardware. So i keep just the topic: For me a flashed HTC
Kaiser is the best Android for the moment because i do not have
another. And my measure is a remote should be in this way programmed
that this phone works good together.
I did test now some Android remote solutions now but no Application run
from usability point like Slimcontrol. Maybee after talk with Locuth you
share some code and go on with him together to make such a control

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