Ok, getting back to the performance issues mentioned above I have a bit
more insight. It seems the server bogs down on large playlists, which
is what I have been running almost exclusively.  You see, if you run a
pre-made playlist (eg over 300 songs) the whole thing loads into the
'current playlist' at once and i guess the server or M2T can't handle
it.  The overall performance of M2T is just trashed. I think this is
issue arose since a recent server update.

In contrast, if you run directly from media folders using, for example,
Random Mix, the 'current playlist' size remains much smaller and
everything works ok.  When the song list gets to the end it just adds
more songs and everything runs fine because the list never gets too
large. The issue with large lists is well documented here:

There are plugin solutions discussed that I believe are not currently
feasible for M2T  (happy to have someone correct me). One fix is to
just reduce the max playlist size under 'performance' on the server -
this does in fact fix the performance problems.  However, if you reduce
the max to say 100, then only the 1st 100 songs from a saved list will
ever get added to the 'current playlist', even when random is

What is needed is a way to run saved playlists of unlimited size while
having manageable portions fed into the 'current playlist' as needed. 
If anyone has a way to do this i'm all ears.  Otherwise, this may be a
feature add-on for M2T.

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