billybeek wrote: 
> As a newbe to streaming Music I find it very cool to venture into a new
> realm of music listening.
> After being involved in Audio for many years this has rekindled my
> interest in tweaking ,playing around with new toys.
> When I started using computers 16 Meg storage was on a 16in. removable
> platter with a 48k machine running an entire company
> Thanx for all yews guise suggestions

I was cards. We didn't need no stinking disk drives! Oh: then the big
innovation was reading cards to the platter so it could be sorted by a
program instead of sorting through "the sorter" that did 120 cards per

This was a Univac 9200 II that only had buttons. Not a keyboard,
buttons. It had "core" memory that would now make a stupendous coffee
table because it was sealed in glass with rod braces that were secured
with lock nuts.

I'm not that old, I just started young. 

<Everyone thinks my kids taught me about networks and slimdevices. Let
them dream>


|Filename: univac9200.jpg                                           |

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