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Question: How large is your local music library ?
- More than 100 000 songs 
- Between 50 000 - 100 000 songs 
- Between 25 000 - 50 000 songs 
- Between 10 000 - 25 000 songs 
- Between 1000 - 10 000 songs 
- Less than 1000 songs 
- Don't have a local library (only use internet radio and streaming

I cheated just a bit, as I have 24k tracks and change -- rounded up!

It is kind of silly, isn't it?  I have something like 60 days of
non-stop continuous music to play.  I know there are many whole albums
that I have never listened to, at least in SB mode, and never will.  I
am always on the lookout for new music, or old music to fill holes in my
collection, and often buy used CDs which get ripped and forgotten.  Also
many downloads, perhaps more lossy but increasingly lossless.  Admission
-- I have acquired a few things via Torrent, but these represent a tiny
proportion of the total, and then almost always things I couldn't
otherwise find.

I think it's in the nature of collecting.  We want things for the having
of them, perhaps not always for the direct enjoyment.  I also collect
antique botanical prints (the hand-coloured kind ripped out of 19th
Century publications), and once examined and scanned and posted on my
website, they live unseen in binders inside a file cabinet.  Protected
from the light, you know.


Transporter, two Booms in service (plus one spare), one Duet in service
(plus one spare), one Touch currently not in use but insurance against
the Transporter croaking.  May use the Touch to replace the Duet, but
it's used so seldom I'll probably keep the Touch in the box pending a
greater need.

RonM's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=17029
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=95676

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