Quick (trivial) question about squeezeslave-1.2-365-osx running on my
2011 Mac-Mini, OS X Lion:

Despite using --name HDMI or --output 2 with squeezeslave, I can't get
any sound if there is a stereo-miniplug plugged into the headphone
socket.  VLC, if it's ouput is set to HDMI, doesn't have this problem
and I'll get sound from my HDMI connected monitor's speakers.  Any idea
why this should be so?

Anyway, I'm finding that booting into Lion is such a PITA that I'm
finding excuses not to do so.  Lion doesn't play well with my KVM
[unlike windows 7 or Fedora on the same hardware] so I end up having to
now switch both video AND audio connectors.

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