./squeezeslave-1.2-345 -L (with mini-plug in headphone socket)

  Output devices:
  * 1: (Core Audio) Built-in Output (2/12)
  2: (Core Audio) HDMI (3/12)

./squeezeslave-1.2-345 -L (WITHOUT mini-plug in headphone socket)

  Output devices:
  1: (Core Audio) Built-in Output (2/12)
  * 2: (Core Audio) HDMI (3/12)

./squeezeslave-1.2-365 -L (with mini-plug in headphone socket)

  Output devices:
  * 1: (Core Audio) Built-in Output (2/12)
  2: (Core Audio) HDMI (3/12)

./squeezeslave-1.2-345 -L (WITHOUT mini-plug in headphone socket)

  Output devices:
  1: (Core Audio) Built-in Output (2/12)
  * 2: (Core Audio) HDMI (3/12)

--so no difference there.

Running squeezeslave-1.2-345 with the following plist:

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" 
  <plist version="1.0">
  <string>--output 2</string>
  <string>--debuglog /var/tmp/squeezeslave.log</string>
  <string>--debug slimaudio_output</string>
  <string>--mac 00:04:20:9b:61:1a</string>

..it seems to exhibit the same behavior as 365.

Interestingly, if I launchctl squeezeslave with the mini-plug out, it
plays (as expected) -- but continues playing if I then plug in the
mini-plug.  With the mini-plug remaining in, if I launchctl unload &
then load, it doesn't play.

So...perhaps this is an annoying quirk of OS X Lion more than anything
else.  Still, I'd like to know how VLC manages to work around this

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