pallfreeman wrote: 
> It has to be "jailbroken". Googling "xbmc apple tv 2" gives the
> instructions for installing XBMC on it. XBMC already has a squeezeslave,
> so it's 90% there already.

I can see that possibility. But can a jailbroken apple tv 2 run full LMS
program?  I think we're talking about two different things. I'm talking
about a computer that can run LMS (and also be a player perhaps by
running squeezeplay, etc.).  Seems like the apple example is something
that can be a player and run limited software (squeezeslave), but might
struggle to run fullblown LMS.  I'm happy to be wrong here (I'm just
trying to clarify what the apple tv 2 can do in terms of being a small
computer, like a fitpc2, sheevaplug, small NAS, etc.).

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