k...@ken.net wrote: 
> Ok that's interesting. I don't actually know. I think if I go down and
> dig into the remote's menu system it will tell me what type of stream
> but is there a way from the browser interface to answer this question?
What format will initially depend somewhat on the menu you have used to
play the stream.  If it is the Logitech BBC Radio App - then it will
always be WMA.  If it is used the Tune-in then it can be AAC or WMA. If
it is using  the BBC iPlayer plugin then it will dpeend on the

When playing the fpormat is displayed intthe "more info" on what ever is
controlling the stream or on the Browser interface on the RHS just under
the station name - there will be the speed and format.

>  Also, why is it that AAC would be transcoded to Flac? That seems
> wasteful as you can't create something from nothing (aka, lossless from
> lossy). Might be just my misunderstanding. 
LMS will transcode to Flac so that no more losses will be introduced i.e
sound quality is kept as best as possible. If you transcode to MP3 then
sound quality will be worse than that broadcasted.

> Also, why would AAC cancel the proxy buffer settings? 
LMS will not be proxying because it will be transcoding in LMS and then
sending Flac stream.  Radio Streram buffer timeout is for streams which
go directly from Station to player (i.e. audio does not go through local
LMS) - transcoding means data first arrives in LMS and is then

>  Last thought ... I'm assuming the processor load you're talking about
> is on my computer that would be transcoding between AAC and Flac and
> therefore I don't think there is any issue there based on the fact that
> the two radios (duet and boom) can be streaming the same station and
> only the duet has problems. Also the computer is quite powerful and I
> never see any CPU spikes when this problem is happening (although it is
> possible that I'm just not looking at the right time ... still I'd be
> surprised).
Without details of network or LMS server, all I can do is highligh
possible issues. It is up to you to research them.   Change to WMA and
if issue goes away then you know it is either CPU and/or network.  It is
possible that two flac streams is overloading your network or the duet
signal is just not quite of Flac.  That is for you to investigate (e.g.
use LMS network load test)

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