erland wrote: 
> If you want smart playlists you also need to add handling of statistic
> data such as play counts, last played time and ratings to the list,
> smart playlists without this is more or less useless IMHO. Often you
> want to filter or limit the smart playlist to things like:
> - Only include music you don't listen to very often
> - Only include music you haven't listen to for a long time
> - Only include music which you love (top rated tracks)
> - Exclude music you hate (low rated tracks)
> - Only include music you listen to often.
> Neither Sonos nor Logitech seems to understand this need, which is why I
> decided to provide support for all of it through third party plugins
> instead.
> It could be that smart playlists is something that would only used by a
> small subset of the users and that this is the main thing that makes it
> less interesting for them to include support for it, but then it's
> strange that both Apple (iTunes/iPod) and Microsoft (WMP) has decided to
> include it in their products because especially Apple is usually pretty
> restrictive regarding including features which is only used by a few
> users. Possibly it might be that both Apple and Microsoft is focused at
> local music while Logitech is more focused at streaming from online
> services.

Speaking of niche markets, the Erland plugins make the LMS solution the
ONLY viable approach for large digital collections of classical music. 
And when you couple classical music with audiophile demands (e.g.
Transporter-type solutions) for high bandwidth, low jitter 24/192 or
whatever bit-rates, there simply is not a better solution extant.  Being
able to select by conductor, soloist, recording engineer, choral
ensemble, in addition to basic composer/work/orchestra is a godsend for
serious listening.  I don't see Olive or Apple or even Linn or Meridian
stepping into this gap.  For those with more than $20,000 invested in
their music playback systems, there is an open opportunity for music
management/playback solutions.  Vortexbox-based computer audio equipment
gets partway there, but the LMS software with Erland plug-ins is the
missing link.

About as far away from the mass market as possible!  But still a viable
market opportunity for someone...

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