eLR!C wrote: 
> I can provide help on :
> 2/ Compiling OS, building automated scripts, etc.
> 9/ Localisation (French)
> I would also add a X/ Testing :)
> Some thoughts related to the DAC part : discussing with Triode on the
> squeezelite thread, I understood that the crystal frequancy of the DAC
> may make it more or less compatible (from a synchronization perspective)
> with existing squeezeboxes. That may be something to keep in mind for
> design.

Thank you!

1) Hardware design and implementation - JohnSwenson
2) Compiling OS/Building a bootable image/Writing automated scripts/Etc
(this will break out much further in the future) - Dustinsterk (Me),
3) Squeezelite Player - Triode
4) Case design - ? (Any designers out there with CAD abilities)
5) Distribution - ? (Depending if we need to ship to just one location
and then send out to buyers from there)
6) Marketing/Name of the new product- (This is really for in the future
but never to early to start thinking about it)
7) Website Creation/Technical Hosting of files, scripts, news, shipping
updates, product updates, etc. - Cparker
8) Licensing (looking into feasibility of signing up subscriptions
services, radio services, etc.) - ?
9) Localisation - eLR!C (French)
10)  Testing (Hardware, Software, etc) - ?

Please continue to add as you see fit.

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View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=97881

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