dustinsterk wrote: 
> Thank you!
> 1) Hardware design and implementation - JohnSwenson
> 2) Compiling OS/Building a bootable image/Writing automated scripts/Etc
> (this will break out much further in the future) - Dustinsterk (Me),
> eLR!C
> 3) Squeezelite Player - Triode
> 4) Case design - ? (Any designers out there with CAD abilities)
> 5) Distribution - ? (Depending if we need to ship to just one location
> and then send out to buyers from there)
> 6) Marketing/Name of the new product- (This is really for in the future
> but never to early to start thinking about it)
> 7) Website Creation/Technical Hosting of files, scripts, news, shipping
> updates, product updates, etc. - Cparker
> 8) Licensing (looking into feasibility of signing up subscriptions
> services, radio services, etc.) - ?
> 9) Localisation - eLR!C (French)
> 10)  Testing (Hardware, Software, etc) - ?
> Please continue to add as you see fit.
My suggestion would be to keep the thread focused at point 1-3 and
possibly 4 and 5 because those are the only ones needed to start
experimenting with GEN1 hardware.
The future after GEN1 is best decided and discussed either in a separate
thread or later when GEN1 has been released.

I hate to kill the discussion, I'm just worried that we will make it
harder for John and the others to discuss technical details if we start
to fill the thread with activities (6-10) which doesn't need to happen
in the near future. 

If there is a designer reading this thread, I'd really love a nice case
designed for it which we could order through http://www.shapeways.com/
or similar sites.

Regarding point 7, I actually think you want to keep it on the forum now
in the beginning, mainly because it will make the activities more
visible to community members and this will make it easier to reach
higher volumes when ready to release GEN2 hardware. The actual files
could be hosted somewhere else but keep the discussion and news in the
forum to keep the interest in the community.

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