RonM wrote: 
> I'm completely comfortable with cloud-based services.  However, I seldom
> listen to music as background;  when I listen I like to listen
> purposefully.  I have virtually no interest in streaming audio.
> This probably makes me a-typical, but I just won't have much use for the
> platform except as a way to play my local music.
I think there are a lot of users who feel the same way as you do, but
hopefully you will change your mind when you have seen ickStream in
action and how online music and social interaction can improve your
music listening experience even if you mostly listen to local music.

Are you saying that you are aren't interested in online music at all, or
is it just streaming services which streams radio where you can't select
the exact track or artist which you aren't interested in ?

In my mind, there are at least the following types of online streaming
- *Internet radio*: Streams radio, you can select radio station but not
much more, TuneIn would be a sample of this. Typically available for
- *Personalized radio*: Streams radio but you are able to influence the
content, for example selecting an artist and it plays music from this or
similar artists, Pandora would be a sample of this. Typically free or
available for a small fee.
- *Music on demand*: Lets you select an individual track, album or
artist in same way as you can do in your local library, some samples of
this is Spotify, Deezer, Rhapsody. Typically requires a small monthly
subscription fee.

Are none of these of interest to you or are you still interested in the
last "Music on demand" services ?

I think ickStream can provide some benefits also for people who are only
interested in local music, especially on longer terms or if you like to
combine hardware from different manufacturers or for some reason want to
use another content server than LMS, but the main advantages from
ickStream comes if you want to combine local and online music and want
to use the other cloud services we provide.

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