I'm completely comfortable with cloud-based services.  However, I seldom
listen to music as background;  when I listen I like to listen
purposefully.  I have virtually no interest in streaming audio.

This probably makes me a-typical, but I just won't have much use for the
platform except as a way to play my local music.

And, although this may disqualify me from being a beta tester (didn't
want to be anyway), no matter how hard I try I just can't get past the
name.  You may not want to talk about it, but a name that instantly
evokes an image of the consequences of infection by -Vibrio cholerae- is
not one that you want to market to English-language locations.  The
instant it goes public social media will pounce and it will become a
laughing-stock.  Dead in the water.  RIP.


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