JackOfAll wrote: 
> Well, what you should be doing and what you can get away with are 2
> different things. The rootfs is a journalled ext4 partition. I've not
> yet seen an instance where there has been a problem recoving from the
> journal on the next reboot, after the power has been pulled, rather than
> a "clean" shutdown. That's not to say it wont happen, but 99% of the
> time you will get away with it. With my "do it properly" hat on, you
> really should be shutting the device down from the gui and if you choose
> to "halt", as it suggests, wait 30 seconds before removing power.

I don't expect to be powering the off the SW board once it's a fully
fledged player with the CSP2 mounted in the Hammond case. The shutdown
question came about because I put it away after the first couple of
tests, and didn't want to corrupt the OS.

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