JohnSwenson wrote: 
> Actually the regulators I'm using have 60db PSRR out to over 3MHz. The
> clocks and DAC chip have separate regulators. I haven't done a full
> analysis of the power at different points (haven't had the time!) I
> should do that soon. 
> John S.

I use Belleson Superpower (super regulator) which has >110db PSRR out to
over 100K.  It is still not enough to filter the switching noise from
the digital ICs, especially when powering an ultra low jitter clock.  I
added LC filter in front of the super reg to block RF currents, and now
and it seems to do the trick.

I use a 1uH non-magnetic inductor and a 1uF acrylic film cap for the LC
filter just before the regulator.

In my designs, I no longer use any X7R SMD ceramic caps, even for IC
decoupling.  They are bad to the sound (i.e. piezo-electric effect,
non-linearity ESR vs freq, etc.)  I now use SMD film caps.  Mostly
0.1uF.  They do wonders to the sound.

I have a few rules in audio designs:
1. Do not use ceramic caps unless it is C0G/NP0, use SMD film caps if
all possible,
2. Use digital IC chips that has the lowest power possible, less di/dt,
all to the better sound,
3. Try not to use any component that is magnetic (including resistors),
4. Use non-magnetic inductors to all Vcc pins of IC chips if all
possible to block RF currents,
5. If LPS is required, use silicon-carbide Schottky rectifiers.  Huge
improvements in the harmonics structure of the sound :)

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