I have been using Squeezeboxes for a number of years (and I'm still not
sure what I'm going to do with Logitech's abandonment - but they keep
working!).  A year or two ago I found out about Squeeze Player and
Squeeze Commander and there are times I use them to play my music back
through my cell phone.

I've just recently noticed something frustrating about this system. 
Even when I'm not using my phone to listen to my music, and after I've
rebooted and not yet run either program, when I make a call, the music
stops on my home system.

I usually use a landline for calls at home, but one day I was talking on
my cell phone as I got home and came in and none of my Squeezeboxes were
playing.  Then I hung up and the music started again.

I would expect this to be related to the two program I've mentioned
above, but it happens even after a reboot when they're not running at

I'd really like this behavior to stop, but I also like controlling my
music from my phone.  (I leave my music on when I'm out so if someone's
nearby, it sounds like someone's home.)

How can I get LMS to ignore my cell phone when I'm not using Squeeze

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