HalNineThousand wrote: 
> I don't know of any plugins for either app.  They're straightforward and
> what's weird is this happens even when they're not on.
> I know the bluetooth receiver in my car shuts off the car audio while
> the phone is in use, even if the car audio isn't specified to be used by
> the phone.  I expect that.  That's also led me to check and there's no
> BT device in the house that the phone is paired with that would connect
> to LMS or the Squeezeboxes.
> Also, when I do use the phone as a player, I do NOT sync it with my home
> Squeezeboxes at all.
> I haven't checked yet by using my cell phone while someone else is at
> home and I'm out of range.
> I will check by turning wifi off for my phone - I don't use it that much
> anyway.

It's Squeeze Commander. 
In Settings > Automute/pause settings > Pause playback.  Pauses playback
when phone is occupied with a call, even when Squeeze Commander isn't
Just tried it.

1xSB3 - 1xBoom - 1x(Squeezebox) Radio - 2xTouch
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