nicky6 wrote: 
> Hi, I know it's really bad of me posting something like this here, but
> it's time for it I feel.
> <snip>
> Heeeelp! :)
It's hard to know where to begin, because it's not clear to me in what
way SBs are inadequate for your needs. More important, you seem to have
a lot of conflicting needs/wants in a music system. If you really want
an SB replacement now, you'll need to make some compromises.

- your WHS can't handle large disks -- that's not the fault of SBs. Get
an OS on your server that can, or divide your music serving needs (200
GB) from your backup needs (8 TB!?)
- you have several unspecified issues with Media Center, by which I
suppose you mean Logitech Media Server (LMS). That could by OS issues
again, or something else, but it's nothing inherently wrong with LMS.
- you "don't want to be like everyone else", by which you rule out Sonos
and Apple, but you want something that "just works" without having to
tinker with anything
- you also don't want to spend anything more than SB, Sonos, or Olive
One type prices -- that will limit you if you don't want to tinker
- you want to be able to play protected AAC -- I could be wrong, but I
think that limits you to Apple products
- you want to know that the manufacturer will be here in 5-10 years time
(or really, the product line, because Logitech is still here, but fat
lot of good that does for SB users....) -- good luck with that!

My two cents? 
First, get your server working the way it should. This will probably
mean changing the OS and/or the hardware. Then once you have it so that
LMS runs smoothly and it's not "eating" hard drives, see if you're happy
again with the SB system.

If that works out okay, then see about picking up however many Touch or
SB3/Classic players you need from eBay, Craigslist, or other resellers.
Or venture into the community-driven SB substitutes based on a
Wandboard, or using iThing or Android-based players.

That could easily get you through the next several years. And by the
time that becomes obsolete, the network music system terrain will have
changed dramatically, and you will have a new set of choices.

Nothing high-end, but music anywhere I want it, and it's '100% wind
powered' ( 'MSI single-core Atom
('Debian' ( Squeeze 6.0.x) feeding: Living room:
'SB Touch'
> 'NAD C325 BEE'
> 'Vandersteen 1' (;
Kitchen/Dining: 'SB2'
> 'AudioSource Amp100'
> 2 pair of 'Polk RC60i'
(; Basement:
> 'JVC JA-S44'
( > 'ESS
Tempest LS8'
Bedroom: 'SB Radio'
Study: 'Squeezelite local player'
> 'Klipsch ProMedia 2.0'
Backyard deck: 'SB Receiver'
( > 'AudioSource Amp100'
> 'Polk Atrium 45'
(; Kid's
bedroom:  'Boom'
(; Roaming
controllers: Retina iPad with Squeezepad & iPeng, iPod touch with iPeng,
3 'SB Duet Controllers'
(, various SB infrared
remotes, 'Nokia N800' (; In the
bullpen (boxed up and ready to use if one of the above quits): 'SB3'
and one more 'SB Receiver'
aubuti's Profile:
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