Hi Aubuti,

I don't dare look behind the fridge!

I don't think it's really energy efficiency that's behind the 'switch
off' thing, probably we just both belong to a generation where
electrical and electronic devices weren't as as advanced or even safe as
they are now, and it bothers my wife more than it bothers me. But, as
the PC is wired to the router, then installing the plug in would
probably be easy enough, and does make sense. It would be a focus for a
discussion about leaving the PC switched on, and would save me the walk
through the house to the study to nudge the mouse when I want the system
to start-up so that I could play music!

I'm still attracted to the vortexbox because it seems to me like a
pretty good solution to the overall longevity/sustainability/FLAC
ripping and tagging process. I've a bit of money and time invested in
the whole SB thing now, and want to be able to nurse it along for as
long as I can. From the outside, and just reading their literature the
vortexbox seems like a solid package that would help with that, with
external (to the PC) mirrored storage etc. I don't doubt that I could
knit together an alternative hardware setup of external drives, using
the vortexbox software, dbpoweramp, tagging programmes etc, but
computers are a little bit beyond my comfort zone really.

But.... using the plug in for now would certainly allow me to make that
a medium to longer-term consideration, and allow me to put the cash to
one side gradually - for whatever solution I eventually opted for.

Thanks very much for the pointer.



SB "user" since 2000...
2 x SB1 ; 2 x SB3 ; 2 x Boom ; 1 x Touch ; 1 x Controller
Windows 7 and LMS Version: 7.7.3 - 1375965195

Next step... a Vortexbox?
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