Just an update on this, where I was having playlist startup problems
when syncing a large number of Radios through wifi.  

I had mentioned that I had 3 APs on the same network, all on separate
channels.  While rewiring the basement, I turned off one of the APs and
noticed that my Squeezeboxes were much more responsive connected to just
the remaining 2.  In fact, I can now easily sync 15-20 Radios through
the wireless network and have any playlist, local or streaming, start
within 3 seconds--much better than the 20-60 seconds it used to require.
At this point I'm so overjoyed and scared to jinx anything by
researching the underlying cause, but I suspect it's due to the
de-commissioned AP being connected to the network through a secondary
switch (i.e. daisy chained) rather than though the main switch.  Or,
maybe it was due to the Squeezeboxes constantly looking for and hopping
to the strongest AP which really have minimal differentials in most

Ideally, I could tie each Radio to a specific AP, but Logitech does not
make this easy with manual (non-DHCP) network configuration settings. 
Anyway, it's now a pleasure to use the system once again, and I can
confirm the sync algorithm is quite robust with 15 - 20 wireless units.

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