garym wrote: 
> I said it was stupid.  ;-) 
> I forgot to try Ctrl-V (which worked perfectly).
> (I was simply trying to right click my mouse to get the popup menu
> containing "paste".
> get.amped's extract works nicely (I too like to see the genre and file
> type).  Only odd thing I noticed in running this extract was that any
> artist that was lower case first letter gets added to the very end
> (after "Z").  Examples, "subdudes" or "moe."

I should have added a "right-click" menu to the SQL entry box. I just
didn't think of it, 'cause I always use the keyboard for cut'n'paste. In
the next update I'll put one in.

The sort order is defined by the DB engine (in this case SQLite), and
the upper-case-first is pretty standard. You can overcome that by
changing everything to upper case for the ORDER clause (you can still
have the artist field returned in its original case). I don't have time
right now to go in and futz with a query to give you an example, but if
you don't get there on your own, I'll take a look later.

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