pkfox wrote: 
> Hi all, I checked and it's AAC - so that means the server is involved in
> transcoding which means the Pi isn't up to it - ah well thanks for your
> help. Anyone know of a similar device to the Pi that's capable of doing
> what I'm attempting - the bottom line is I want a totally silent box - I
> have a ReadyNas nv but it's a noisy bugger and also uses a lot of power
> compared to the Pi which is 5 volts ( bless it )

Transcoding involves AAC to PCM and then PCM to Flac and then sending
Flac to player.

AAC to PCM does not require much processing and IIRC LMS build for ARm
doesn't use Floating point.

PCM to Flac require more processing and this might be the problem - try
disabling AAC toi Flac in LMS Settings/Advanced/Filetypes - send PCM
will load your network even more so you need a good network.

Another possible problem could be your network if it is capable of
delivering Flac stream  to Player.  - what is signal quality on SB3 ? 
Is Pi also wireless to router ?

What OS is on your Pi - are you using the hard float or soft float ?

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