pippin wrote: 
> Newer services often no longer encrypt their streams because rights
> holders today are less paranoid, they understand that it's not their
> paying customers who are trying to rob them.
> But Rhapsody is one of the first services around, they have old
> contracts and these contracts require the end-to-end encryption.
> The WiFi encryption won't help, you know your password. Remember: it's
> YOU who they want to prevent from directly accessing the streams. The
> purpose is to make sure that YOU cannot record the streams. And yes, I'm
> well aware you still can... And yes, I'm also aware you probably
> wouldn't, but that's what this all about. It's the same kind of thinking
> as with then DRM in Audible and so many other nonsense going on.

Thanks for explanation Pippin. Sounds like they are cutting off their
own noses then. I already run spotify premium but still think some of
the rhapsody functionality is better.

Will keep fingers crossed that somebody works out a solution to the
problem else they will be loosing my monthly fee shortly!

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