My hardware is just commodity x86 stuff. It would seem to me the source
of the issue is the processing and/or representation of the music
library. Why would 450Gb be a problem?

The size in GB doesn't really matter. What is important is the number of files.

There may be a few links in that
tree but nothing excessive. Can this not handle symlinks?

It should. But maybe they're creating loops back, triggering a bug in LMS which would result in a never ending scan?

 I'd like to
do this: "change the memory settings in the Performance section of the
server settings" Can you tell me where to do that so I don't get lost

Shut down LMS. Edit server.prefs (likely in /var/lib/squeezebox/prefs). Set the value for dbhighmem: 2 (assuming you have 1GB of RAM or more).


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