This worked best for me in finding loops 'find . -follow -printf ""' I
was able to isolate some files and moved them out of /opt/mp3 (see
below). I then restarted squeezeboxserver and library.db appears to
remain at a manageable size:

-rw-r--r--. 1 squeezeboxserver squeezeboxserver 112M Nov 13 15:01

Before closing this thread I restarted squeezeboxserver one last time.
It stops/starts as expected now.

# /opt/mp3.TRASH>find . -follow -printf ""
[ ... ]
find: File system loop detected; ‘./Brian Eno/Brian Eno - Another Day On
Earth (FLAC)/05 - Caught Between.flac/proc/self/task/28068/cwd’ is part
of the same file system loop as ‘.’.
find: File system loop detected; ‘./Brian Eno/Brian Eno - Another Day On
Earth (FLAC)/05 - Caught Between.flac/proc/self/task/28068/root’ is part
of the same file system loop as ‘./Brian Eno/Brian Eno - Another Day On
Earth (FLAC)/05 - Caught Between.flac’.
find: File system loop detected; ‘./Brian Eno/Brian Eno - Another Day On
Earth (FLAC)/05 - Caught Between.flac/proc/self/fd/3’ is part of the
same file system loop as ‘.’.
[ ... ]

# /opt/mp3>find . -follow -printf ""

(returns nothing)


Thanks for the attention on this.

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