Ikabob wrote: 
> I just feel like saying that I think our Squeezeboxes are THE BEST!
> There’s no other ecosystem that compares with ours. The sound quality is
> so awesome (like having the orchestra right in my room)!
> The functionality(when learned) is so versatile and convenient.
> Controlling the functionality via Ipeng makes it more convenient than
> any other system available (Thanks Pippin) and keeping our system
> updated still works (Thanks Michael!!! And others) in spite of
> Logitech’s unfortunate abandonment. Great apps, still supported.
> After all these years of being a SB ecosystem supporter, I am still so
> passionate and thankful for what we have! 
> I would love to hear from others out there and how they are enjoying
> their Squeezeboxes and what they think. Like to hear from some of of our
> long-time posters. 
> I love this ecosystem and enjoy the entertainment more than ever and
> even more than I can say!!!
> Thanks everyone. (Belated !!!HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!)
> Oh yes, did not mention how very important are these FORUMS.
Agreed, the Squeezebox software and various players make for a terrific
music delivery system. I use mine all over the house, and also for
access to my personal music library when I'm traveling. Ten years ago
when I started down the SB path, there was nothing that could compare,
and there still is nothing that comes close today.

Thanks to all who still work to keep the ecosystem alive and kicking
(including these forums). Your efforts are appreciated.

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