Just added a Rpi/Hifiberry DAC+pro/pCP to my Squeezebox system of Boom
and Duet with two receivers. Following Apesbrain's "How-to" on another
page made it a much simpler process than I anticipated. I only hit one
minor speed-bump which was quickly resolved with a couple of helpful
responses to a question in another thread on this forum.

I didn't really need another player now, but I wanted to relieve my
anxiety about what I would do if a player failed. I'm willing to take a
shot at repairing one of my players if necessary, but I'm not confident
in my abilities. I wanted to ensure that I would be able to replace them
if necessary. 

The pi player is working great. Now I will be able to move the player
that was in that spot to a system in the den where my son didn't want a
Squeezebox player "cluttering up" the system there that was primarily
"his" as he only wanted to listen to his vinyl collection. Now that he
has gone off to college he no longer has a vote :)

I will now re-focus my anxiety onto the Boom in the kitchen that has
been doing yeoman's work for several years now and is still chugging
along without complaint.

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