OK, so this question doesn't belong in general, but where? Maybe it
doesn't even belong on this forum, but hey, it's for my SB systems, so
here goes.

Home is where my full kit resides, but a few years back I bought a small
"seasonal" cabin. I have ISP/DSL access so can stream audio and video. I
wanted to keep things simple, so I started out with a Boom and a small
TV. I still enjoy the boom and his sound to this day. I wanted to
improve the video sound, so I bought a cheap Yamaha soundbar, and
decided to also bring an extra Touch from home to run through the
soundbar. A slight improvement over the boom (which actually says alot
for the boom).

But, it's really not cutting it, not bad, but I miss the sound from my
gear at home.

I made a change to one of my systems at home that freed up a nice pair
of Klipsch KG 1.5 bookshelf speakers (the old ones, not the gold cone
ones). I plan on bringing them to the cabin, but, how to drive them?
This is where my SB friends come in, your advice.

I have a couple of old Rotel integrated amps (late 70's) at home but
they are too big and bulky. I have a Arcam A65 amp in one of my systems
at home, which would be perfect, but I don't want to disassemble that

So I am looking for some suggestions, especially something I might find
used, or relatively inexpensive, do drive the bookshelf. The speakers
are very efficient, and I don't plan on playing anything loud, so low
powered but clean, small footprint, would be ideal.

One last thing. I would really like if the amp could be controlled by a
remote to integrate it into the harmony I have. Also, if it had a
digital input and a nice DAC, then that would be ideal for the touch,
otherwise, I would use analog.  

Thanks for any suggestions...

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