I'm in a similar situation and ended up with a Onkyo DR-UN7. I had to
get a converter to change the component video out to HDMI. It will not
play BlueRay, only regular DVD's and CD's. The Onkyo by itself will only
run the front speakers, to run the rest of a 5.1 surround would require
a separate power amp, but we don't need surround and I can't remember
the last time we actually watched a DVD at the cabin anyway.  I built a
PiCore player with hifiberry DAC+ with analog out to the Onkyo driving
small Bose AM3's. For a pretty small system both my wife and I are very
happy with the sound. I have a full copy of my home library on my laptop
and run LMS on the laptop when I'm at the cabin.

Main system - Rock Solid with LMS 7.9.1 Official on WHS 2011 - 2 Duets
and Squeeseslave
Cabin system - Rock solid with LMS 7.9.1 Official on Win10 Pro - 1 RPi 3
Model B/Hifiberry DAC+ Pro/PiCorePlayer and Squeezeslave
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