quadronado wrote: 
> I hardly remember, but I think I never solved the problem.

Thanks for commenting @quadronado

slartibartfast wrote: 
> The developer was active on the forums as recently as December so it is
> odd that he hasn't replied.

Indeed - hence I thought @Carp might have heard back by now?

Anyway I solved my problem -short-term- using MP3TAG - it gave a very
clean simple out put which was what I was after (took it about an hour
to catalogue all tags for the 47k tracks in my main library but only
about 5 minutes to generate a txt output list (in the format I wanted)
once that was done.

Would still like to get LMS Documenter working so I can directly
interrogate the LMS Database rather than scanning the files (as MP3TAG

P.S. Deliberately not using MediaMonkey for any of this as it always
seem to be different to LMS and it doesn't seem to like DSD files

*Hi-Fi 1*: QNAP HS-453DX NAS+QLMS/Allo USBridge Signature+Shanti
LPS/Cirrus ESS Sabre 32-bit Reference DAC (Oppo 105D)/Yamaha Aventage
CX-A5000/Focal SM9s.
*Hi-Fi 2*: Sqbox Touch+Shanti LPS/Focal XS Books.
*Hi-Fi 3*: PC+Squeezelite-X+Material Skin/Focal XS Books.
*Hi-Fi Misc*: iPeng (iPad/iPhones)/Plantronics BB Pro 2 LE Headphones.
*Accessories*: Tchernov -Classic- & Van den Hul ICs; Thor PS10 Power
Station; Blue Jeans & Ruleconnect Cables (Power, HDMI, USB & Coaxial);
Aurios & Vibrapods.
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