Firstly, congrats on the NYT mention, and I hope you have warned UPS to
send more trucks :)

The Pandora stuff is interesting. I'm listening now through the flash
player and it's not bad - took almost 10 goes before I found a song or
artist it had heard of but once I got suitably mainstream it was OK.
The only thing that concerns me is that it needs SN, I can understand
why, but although I'm an avid SD fan I don't even have an SN account -
switching servers is a pain and my SBs live on a private subnet with no
internet access. I'd be prepared to let them see the outside world, but
the transition from my local server to SN has to be seamless.

Can't you just create a regular server plugin with a closed source
component to handle the secret bits (native compiled)? Or have a plugin
which talks directly to the SN server and has it do the secret stuff?
Gotta be a way around this :)

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