EnochLight Wrote: 
> if you are Canadian technically you *-*are*-* American.  Canadians just
> tend to forget what continent they live on.  Conveniently.  ;-)
Surely you jest. You have it backwards.

The continent is called America. It's the citizens of the United States
of America, who forget there are other countries on the continent, and
another entire continent also called (south) America, and rudely call
themselves Americans like they're the only ones on this land mass.

But if you want "real" proof of how this all plays out in the rest of
the world, go to Europe. I travelled through Europe by train when I
lived there, and I always wore a Canadian flag on my backpack (this is
pretty common for Canadians). On the train one time, I met some guys
from (Boston, I think, but I could be mis-remembering) with Canadian
flags on their backpack. 


I asked them about it. They didn't want to be known as US citizens.


As stated previously, this is somewhat off-topic, although it's hard to
spend much time talking about neat products and services only offered in
the US without talking about US-centricity issues .... like the original
topic ... 

> Anyway yes Pandora rocks; I can't wait to try it out on my SB3.  That
> said, I'm sure a solution will appear worldwide in time.
That's not so clear to me.
In particular, most US offerings don't even work in Canada, the US'
nearest and dearest neighbour, even telephone offers. 

For one trivial example, we share one unified phone number system, but
extra code in many phone switches actually enforce (billing, etc)
border rules. So much for a unified phone system.

Google knows I'm in Canada. If I go to google.ca, I get shown canadian
results (makes sense). But when I go to google.com, the US server, it
shows me Canadian results and in particular I don't see what a US-based
person would see. I know you can get around this, but the average person
doesn't know how. 

So I'm sure Pandora could do the same thing and effectively lock people
out. In the case of copyright issues, I'm not sure they want to allow
the rest of the world in.

One of the original points in this thread was, Slim advertised it as
being available to all SB owners, and it isn't.

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