Michaelwagner Wrote: 
> Surely you jest. You have it backwards..

Oivay... yes I jest - hence the -"I kid!"- after the tongue and cheek
remark.  ;-)  In all honesty, I'm actually Canadian myself.  Moved to
the States several years ago.  So for me: North America, Central, South
- we're all Americans.  No biggie.

When I stated that a solution would appear worldwide in time, I should
have been more clear.  I think that in time a solution that *may or may
not be* Pandora could appear for other world markets, that's all. 
But..Slim are a very small outfit; these things will take time.

All this said, I agree Slim should have dropped the -"all"- from their
product pages regarding the Pandora announcement and clearly stated
that at this time it only applies to select markets.

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