JSonnabend Wrote: 
> Seriously, though, instead of telling me why I'm wrong to not want to
> use Slim as my data management program, why not admit that users should
> be allowed to populate the Slim DB without fear of SlimServer mucking
> with the data?

I'm really not opposed to this functionality, and it would seem that
this is something the developers *could* choose to allow.  I guess what
I take issue with is the assumption that you "should" be allowed to do
this.  I think shows a misunderstanding of the purpose of the DB.  The
DB exists for the purposes of the application.  The application was
designed to use tags as its data source so it is in the interests of
the application to modify the database however it sees fit to best
serve this purpose.  Your suggestion fundamentally changes the design
of the application.  Depending on what functionality is built into
slimserver that relies on being able to modify the DB, it might not be
so simple to simply lock it down.  So rather than posing the suggestion
as something that Slimserver "does wrong", or "should do", perhaps pose
this as a feature request.  And understand if other people would rather
have the Slim team working on other problems/features of the software.

Seems to me that you wouldn't be upset about this if SlimServer weren't
already such an open and flexible piece of software.

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