See the problem is, you can never satisfy everybody as their needs and
wants are different.  For example, and no offence here:

ajmitchell Wrote: 
> 1. Graphic (d-sub/dvi/hdmi) output with some nice options to play
> visuals on a plasma TV or monitor

I see this mentioned often but it's of no interest to me at all.  I
guess it's because I find video unexciting and audio fascinating.

> 2. Form-factor Options of tall (as now) or slimline versions (similar
> to SB2)

Now there are situations where this could come in handy.

> 3. Even higher resolution display with a superior spectrum analyser

How much higher resolution though?  True, the spectrum analyzer could
be improved.  I'd like to see higher framerates on FLAC playback.  It
would be cool to have an album art thumbnail on the display too but I'm
not sure how good it would look in monochrome.

> 4. An analogue IN to allow distribution of CD player etc signal across
> network (yes I know this is a SONOS feature)

This is a great idea but it may require substantial hardware changes.

> 5. Ability to cross-fade and sync AT THE SAME time

I don't use either.

> 6. Even better audio quality....come on we can never have enough

Definitely any improvements are welcome.  Should they concentrate on
the digital or analog outputs though?  I don't use the analog outputs,
therefore I won't benefit from a DAC upgrade.  The digital outputs are
about as good as current technology allows - crystal oscillators rather
than PLL timers.  Minimal jitter.

Perhaps improvements in the power supply section?

> 7. Better software interface and upgrade on exbrowse3

Always welcome.

> 8. Dynamic updating with itunes

Since iTunes is a tool of the devil, I don't use it.  ;-)

> 9. A better way of dealing with favourites and least favourites

Never used it.

> 10. Not too much increase in cost (with the wireless access problems
> all sorted)

Hmm.  Can't get something for nothing, and some of these upgrades are

The wireless access problems seem to be mostly sorted.  We've gone from
a torrent of "my SB3 won't work with my router" posts to a trickle.

I may add one feature which is often asked for - the creation of a
SlimServer sound driver.  It's not for playing computer system sounds
although you could certainly do that.  This would be for:

- immediate playback of a CD in the optical drive, without having to
rip or add to the database
- playback through iTunes.  If it can come out of your soundcard, it
can come out of SlimServer as well if there was a driver.  That way
Slim would finally get rid of the "doesn't play DRM but Roku can"
albatross hanging around their neck in reviews.

I wouldn't personally use the driver, but it would substantially
increase functionality and it's a frequently-requested feature.

Mark Lanctot
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