First a caveat - the current version of xAP SlimServer was not written for the current CLI that is in v 6 of SlimServer and particularly not v6.3/6.5. It's use here is unsupported until a new version of the conduit is released and that will not be in the near future until the (excellent) new CLI stabilises and the conduit author finds some spare time....(if !)

If you are just looking for the IR remote keypresses I'm fairly sure this works fine however and you would then monitor these using any xAP capable script engine (eg HomeSeer, MisterHouse, Girder, xAP Desktop, xAP Floorplan). The latter one is free and particularly easy and you don't need to use the inbuilt web (Ajax) based home automation front end. You would just create a small script , triggered by the IR key arrival from SlimServer to shell launch your .exe. Basically anything that is VB scriptable can be actioned. Also for reference Girder has inbuilt xAP support and is particularly well crafted for interaction with external applications. Because it is so flexible and powerful it takes a bit of getting to know. however

You should be able to achieve the same with xPL HAL and the inbuilt xPL feature should you prefer - and it is probably a slightly easier setup. The xAP conduit offered much more functionality with SlimServer than the xPL one, although it is CLI attached rather than inbuilt. The fact it is based around earlier SlimServer releases and not currently supported in v6 may steer you away from this though.


shen wrote:
Hi all,

I'm looking for a simple way to do the following:

On the machine slimserver is installed I want to start a windows
program if a special button of the slimserver remote is pressed.

Sounds simple, but it seems not to be that simple :(

I googled a lot and found programs which can monitor XPL or XAP events
sent by slimserver on the press of a remote button, but I did not find
a simple way to start an executeble on such an event.

Isn't there a simple application which can listen to XPL or XAP
messages from slimserver and on a special message (remote button) a
program can be started?

Has anybody a solution for this?

Thanks ...


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