I had also observed many people trying to setup Slimserver on a NAS box,
and wondered about trying this.  This idea certainly has some charm
(small, compact, quiet), but I found that creating a full-fledged PC
was both less expensive and far more powerful.  It's amazing how much
PC you can build these days after scrounging around for spare parts. 

Started out with 
* Old (3.5 years) VIA motherboard sitting on my shelf.
* Old 4X CD ROM drive and 8GB HD from my box of spare parts.

* 256MB PC100 Memory, free leftover from a friend's box of spare
* 200GB Seagate harddrive, $29 after rebates from a CompUSA "midnight
madness" sale.
* Case + 250Watt PS, $19 from CompUSA after rebates.
* 750MHz Pentium III processor, free from another friend's box of spare
* Ethernet card, free from another friend's box of spare parts.

$48 total

At first, I tried installing Free NAS with the intention of just using
this machine as a file server.  Free NAS worked like a charm, but since
I couldn't run the slimserver on it left me wanting more.  So never
having tried a full Linux distribution before, I tried installing
Mandriva.  For some reason, Mandriva didn't like my machine, so after
doing some research I settled on SUSE 10.  SUSE is not directly
supported by Slimserver, but ran smoothly on my machine.  Getting
slimserver to work required jumping through a few hoops, but all the
information to do it was here in the forums.  As an aside I have to
admit that I absolutely hate setting things up in Linux.  Everything
seems three times harder than it needs to be (especially if your
working with a distribution that isn't directly supported by the
software you're installing).  But  once you have it working, it's fast
and purrs like a cat.  You also have full-fledged server with which you
can do a whole host of other things.  All-in-all it's a hoot for 48

Gildahl's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4102
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=25892

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