Yup, it's about an hour from the last music being played to standby. 
I'd rather it was less, but given how rarely it'll be an issue I'll
live with it.

Where I found them - last ones, on clearance :)  A quick Google shows
that www.microdirect.co.uk has them for just under £60.  Sound quality
is good, but they are a little large.

As for it being a $300 alarm clock - I'm fed up of forgetting to
set/cancel alarms, of changing the time twice a year, of the time/alarm
being forgotten after the power goes out, of having to remember to turn
the volume down after I've been listening so I don't have a heart
attack when it wakes me up...  Oh, and I'm a geek and like my toys :)

Besides, the other half keeps muttering about how nice it would be to
be able to watch TV or listen to music when she's in bed.  Now I've got
half the problem solved...

Cry Havok
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