Hey, so here what my future setup will look like when complete.

Arcam amp; squeezebox: hidden windows pc as server; laptop.  (plans for
amp/sb3 in a second room as well.)

I would really like to run the whole setup from a device that is more
handheld in nature, as opposed to the laptop.  When I get this project
done, I'll have enough gear to set up a second squeezebox in another

I would like to be able to browse slimserver with a handheld.  I can't
really see myself putting my laptop on my nightstand, and I don't want
to sit around with it on my couch all the time.  

The PSP looks like a convenient way to go.  It seems like the joystick
could be a good way to navigate.  I read some comments about how just
getting for the SB isn't a great idea.  Why is that?  I have a Pronto
at work and it really sucks for me.  I'm not a big touch-screen fan.  

Do any of the Harmony or Universal remotes allow you to browse
slimserver?  Is there a good pocket pc alternative.  

Would any of these alternatives let me carry the remote into the other
room to drive a second SB?

What else should I be asking?  

Without any feedback, I think a good setup would be a Universal mx500
for my AV setup and a PSP to browse slimserver.

roll - gybe
roll - gybe's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=8975
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=30964

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