RainmanRam;165375 Wrote: 
> Unfortuately My formatting of the tables doesn't appear on this page, it
> looks like white space is compressed. For some reason the formating
> appears when I edit the post however.

For info, you need to put *[co**de]* at the start of the text in
question, and then *[/co**de]* at the end of the text.

Here is that part of your post with the code tags around it:

                  Web   t/items     SB  t/items
                  ---   -------     --  -------     
  80->300:         10   .125        16  .200
  80->300:           13         .163        15  .186
  300->80:          6   .020         7  .023
  300->2250:         39         .130        80  .260
  300-> 2250:        30   .100      88  .293
  2250->80:         4   .002        57  .025
  2250->300:         16         .007        16  .007
  2250->22000:      248   .110       240  .106
  This dataset seems to indicate that the time isn't related to the current 
playlist size. Looking at it the other way around:
  Time/added item:
                  Web           t/items        SB       t/items
                  ---           -------        --       -------     
  2250->80:         4           .050            57      .712
  300->80:          6           .075             7      .088
  80->300:         10           .033            16      .053
  80->300:           13         .043            15      .050
  2250->300:         16                 .053            16      .053
  300->2250:         39                 .017            80      .036
  300->2250:         30           .013          88      .039
  2250->22000:      248           .011           240      .011

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